Monday, June 9, 2008

I wish it would stop raining!!!!!

Yes I know rain is good for growth, and we need it but does it have to rain for days and days and weeks at a time? My neighbour has the prettiest flowers and I have just been itching to get out and take some pictures with my new lens. So here's one, I tried to take tonight but had to run to the house because it started to pour on me.

Noel thinks she is smart hiding under the bush, she thinks that those birds don't see her, Noel those birds are smarter than you think silly kitty. Cloe` on the other hand could care less about birds, or any thing else as long as she stays clean and looks pretty all the time. Oh to have a cats life, eat, sleep and play, what a life! Cat's are not dummies that's why they have owners so you can wait on them hand and foot!

Have a great day!

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